
Apple Business Ideas

In most films about businessmen, entrepreneurs have computers and tablets with the Apple logo in their hands and on their tables. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs divided spheres of influence back in the early days of personal computing.

OS Windows was originally intended for mass consumer and home use. In turn, more powerful MAC computers with their improved quality characteristics were considered elite equipment for serious business.

Amateur artists can draw on Windows or Android tablets, but professional designers always work on iPads.

Where to Find Apple Business Ideas

Are you interested in business ideas? Then use Apple’s App Store. It has a separate section with ideas for starting, promoting, and developing a business, as well as the secrets to achieving success and financial well-being.

  • Franchise catalog.
  • Commercial security and privacy applications. Business messengers, professional e-mails.
  • CRM, cloud-based customer relationship management systems.
  • Cloud services for remote cooperation with enterprises and their management, including international holdings.
  • Business automation in all aspects. Accounting, finance, and personnel management. Recruitment of employees and management of remote workers.
  • Marketing and search engine optimization, web statistics and analytics.

Mobile apps for business from the App Store help business managers and organizations automate and digitalize much of their routine business tasks, such as administration or teamwork of new product developers.

But what about working for the most famous and expensive brand, basking in the glory of Steve Jobs, and making some extra money on it? Apple has such offers.

Apple Franchises

Around the world, MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads are considered signs of belonging to the elite and are indispensable attributes of wealth and success. Apple devices are significantly more expensive than similar devices from less popular manufacturers. That is why selling them is a great idea for a startup.

  • A fully operational franchise to open an Apple device store.
  • Franchise to organize a service center for the repair and maintenance of Apple devices.
  • Special conditions for mobile app developers include reduced commissions for placing and selling their apps in the App Store.

The parent corporation provides the franchisee with everything needed to open an Apple store or service center. The list includes a brand book, the necessary equipment, and technical infrastructure, continuous technical support from the corporation’s specialists, and everything necessary for commercial success.

Enterprising people do not need to draw up a business plan themselves, everything is already prepared for the start of a startup.

What is the main advantage of working on an Apple franchise? Users of electronic and mobile technology intuitively trust and are loyal to any enterprise, store, or service that has the Apple logo. This minimizes marketing costs and automatically generates a flow of customers and buyers without requiring significant costs for advertising campaigns in the mass media and the Internet.

This is even though, according to leading entrepreneurs, market success requires investing in promotion and advertising at least 80% of the company’s production budget.